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Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I consider this photo to be better suited to a theme like "Gross" or "Disgusting," but "Stacked" will suffice.

This is one of several poles on the hiking trail up Stone Mountain which is covered in gum. Specifically, stacks and stacks of gum people have stuck to the pole. Yuck!

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Anonymous said...

Kerri, let me be the first to say....'eeewwww'. I think you will win the prize for the strangest 'stacked' photo. :)

Chesney said...

You win the STACKED prize! YUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

I was admiring the texture and color until I read your description. Yuck indeed! there is a gum wall near Seattle's famous market and it is equally icky.

Sue said...

UH..I have heard of these thypes of locations...who ever started this? Gross...(but cool picture LOL)

MevetS said...

Did you add to it?