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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Calling All HDR-ers!

Okay, so at Mike's suggestion I played with the shot of the Abbey Church chapel in Photomatix. I have no clue if the image looks like it should. I also played with one of my landscape shots. Here they are with the standard image, and the processed HDR image. I use CS3 for post-processing, but didn't do anything after processing the photos in Photomatix.

These are HDR attempts #1 and #2, respectively, so all of the adjustments in Photomatix were guessing for me at this point. Advice? Tips? Did I use too heavy a hand or not enough?

Here is the original chapel photo after post-processing.

Here is the HDR after processing through Photomatix. It seems like there is a bit of noise in this one, but I'm not sure if it's just the brightness of the walls. I do like how the second photo displays some of the imperfections in the stone.

This is a photo I took in Tennessee during a visit home. It's the image currently used in my blog header. There's very little post-processing on this one; just a tiny boost of the color and sharpness.

This one I really like! I think this photo has more clarity, depth, and brighter colors. However, I wonder if I wasn't heavy enough with this one.

Thoughts are definitely appreciated!! Thanks for the suggestion, Mike! I can see myself creating HDR images, especially with landscapes, once I learn a bit more.

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Ron a.k.a. Danudin said...

The differences are very subtle to me, both originals were great. Mind you don't trust my eyes, Julie reckons I wouldn't see a pink Elepjant right in front of me and she could be right, as most of thos visit Tammy almost exclusively.

MevetS said...

Unlike Ron, I still have young(ish) eyes, and brand new contacts! The differences are obvious to me.

In both cases I prefer the HDR shots.

For the church, I like the blue glow off the stonework.

For the Tennessee shot, I like how the field has been brightened.

Both shots seem more 'alive' to me.

Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

I like both the HDR versions, the church for lightening the floor and pews and the landscape for the vibrance. I think you used a nicely restrained hand in Photomatix

Chesney said...

Oh, Kerri, these are both wonderful...I prefer the HDR's as well, especially that bottom shot - it adds a whole new dimension to the image! I am just trying to get the hang of this as well and I think you did it on your first try!

Unknown said...

i like the landscape photo. i took my first set of photos for a first attempt at hdr. can't wait to see how my photo turns out.