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Thursday, February 4, 2010


As I was walking through some of the hiking trails on Sunday I passed several of these blue hiking blazes. I liked how this one made the texture of the tree bark more noticeable. It causes you to focus on parts of the tree you normally might not.

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Chesney said...

I love how the bright blue enhances the cracks and textures in the tree...what a find, so perfect for this theme!

Rachel said...

Tree bark is one of my favorite textures and I love the brilliant blue.

Stephani Cochran said...

Hi Kerri. I stumbled on your blog when looking for "photo blogs." You take some great pictures. I started a daily photo blog (picturewindow.blogspot.com) besides my main one and as I've been searching through other blogs I've discovered there are actully 365 day phto challenges out there! Who knew? Anyway, I'm bumbling through this process and hope to learn a lot about photography because I know very little.

terricreates said...

Love the texture too, and the blue enhances it.

MevetS said...

Very cool shot.