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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Quickly . . .

I'm so sleepy and so sore! Yesterday's workout was a really tough one. It was entirely sprints and I pushed myself so hard that I got sick. That was a new experience for me and one which I don't want to repeat. However, I now know exactly where that line is, so I can continue to push without going over it. Today was another tough workout. At the end, we sprinted up "The Bane" (for those just tuning in it's a massive hill that we run quite often. I hate it.), I did it four times, others did more and others did less. I'm not sure how long we were timed. My calves are still sore from the 300 calf raises we did on Tuesday.

I have family coming into town this weekend, so I'm looking forward to that. I assume we'll shop and eat. That's usually what women in my family do when they get together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you're enjoying the weekend!
