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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Day in the Life . . .

I've been meaning to get this entry posted for a couple of days. I've just been a tad busy. I wanted to tell you all about my wonderful day on Friday!

I was too nervous to sleep on Thursday night, which would've made bootcamp super difficult since I only had about 3 hours sleep. So, I missed camp on Friday. At work, we have flex-schedules. We can come in anytime between 7-9:30, so long as we work 8 hours. I was at the office at 7:00 so I could leave by 3:30. During the morning I was really busy. This was great since it helped to keep my mind off of the bar results. However, after lunch, I couldn't concentrate. All day I'd been working on creating Georgia forms for our system, at this point, I was so stressed out my fingers wouldn't even type the correct keys! I broke down on the phone with my Mom, my Aunt, and my ex-boyfriend. (Don't give me that look! We're still good friends!) Finally, I was able to leave the office!

Unfortunately for me, everybody in the city of Atlanta decided to leave work early, too! It was pouring rain and traffic was a nightmare! As soon as I got in the car I became nauseous. It was horrible. I called my ex because he was always very good at calming me down and we talked until I was about half-way home. (Just a quick side-note . . . but would you believe that I'm normally very good about handling stress?!?!)

As I pulled up, the mailman was just getting out of his truck. I checked my box, just in case, but it was empty. So, I turned to the mailman and told him "You have very important information for me, so I'm just going to wait." He asked me what I was waiting on, searched, and pulled out the envelope! He handed it to me and I honestly wasn't sure if I could open it. I was shaking so bad! I told him "I don't think I can open this!", to which he replied, "K, you know you passed, open that envelope!" I opened it up and read the first few words, which included the phrase "I am delighted . . .", at this point I squealed very loudly and hugged my mailman for dear life! I was crying and shaking, practically just beside myself. As soon as I got into my car I called my Mom, who could barely understand me because I was so emotional! After that, I made lots of phone calls telling the news. It's amazing the amount of relief I felt. It was such an overwhelming rush of emotions! Friday is definitely a day that I will never forget.

A group of my classmates and I had decided the night we finished the bar exam that we would meet at Hand in Hand at 6:00 on Friday. So, I headed there to meet up with them. Although less showed up than actually passed, it was so great to see them! My two study partners (as well as their wives) were there. This wasn't the big bash. It's scheduled for Nov. 18! Three years ago when I started working with my study partners I told them I had a very expensive bottle of tequila that I was saving for a special occasion. We decided to save it for when the three of us passed the bar. So, Nov. 18, I'm opening the bottle of Don Julio Blue Agave tequila that I've had for 8 years! I can't wait!

The rest of the weekend was great too. My Mom and Aunt came down on Saturday. We shopped a little and then had dinner at SoHo Atlanta. They gave us a huge dessert platter since we were celebrating the bar exam and my birthday! On Sunday we had lunch at Goldfish (yummy!) and then a little more shopping.

Yesterday's camp was a great one for me. It was a sprint workout, but I just felt very strong. I know I'm not the fast runner, but I felt strong and pushed myself on all the sprints. Today, was rougher. We did the long run (mine was probably close to 3 miles) and my stupid left arch started cramping about about 3/4 mile in. I was so frustrated and in so much pain. It really slowed me down. However, for the last 1/2 mile I worked to catch up with a couple of runners and I actually passed them strong! I just forced myself to forget about my arch for a little bit and was able to finish strong. My shins and left knee are sore tonight, but I've been icing them. Hopefully, they're better in the morning. Friday is the post-test and I feel fairly confident that I can get my time down to around 9:30 (Famous Last Words!)

In other news, I officially signed up for the ING Atlanta Half-Marathon today. I also worked out my training schedule. I've given myself 12 weeks, starting January 7. However, I'm still going to be running and working out until then. My next bootcamp session, and the final one for this year, starts Monday, Nov. 6 (I signed up for that today too!).

I'm also doing a 5 mile run on Sunday. The running store where I bought my shoes sponsors runs and they're doing one Sunday morning. I'm looking forward to it. Aside from jumping into bootcamp, this is the first time I've done a group run like this.

I think that about catches me up!

1 comment:

Dogeared said...

I read this post I think whenI had wi-fi in the library, so only skimmed it now - but eeeek, so exciting, the news!