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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Naughty Girl . . .

So, I've been a bad blogger. It's been a week since my last entry. Sorry, I've been a little busy and under the weather.

This past weekend was fun. My aunt, cousin and I shopped most of the day Saturday and Sunday and managed to get in three good meals too. We all bought too much, but it was fun.

I started feeling sick on Sunday and felt really bad on Monday and Tuesday. Today, however, I feel much better. I'm still a little stuffy, but otherwise feel okay.

This week of bootcamp has been different. It's been so cold in the mornings (low 30s). Today, we did the NFL Combine workout, which is so fun and challenging. I had two instructors comment on my improvement over the last few sessions. I was also able to tell, at least with this particular workout, that I performed better than last month. Tomorrow is bring a friend day, which means the workout is "House of Pain" and I think Friday is the scavenger hunt.

Friday is the big day, what I've nicknamed my "Day of Reckoning." It's amazing what stress will do to your body. Yesterday and today, I've had random crying episodes, which totally suck. I also realized that I'm about 10 days late this month. I know it's stress and working out does help, but I can't workout 24 hours a day. Trust me, right now I wish I could! I'm trying really hard not to think about it, but at the same time, I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst. I realize that it's not that big of a deal. Thousands of people will fail this bar exam across the country and they'll take it in February and pass it. It's just going to be so embarrasing if I don't pass.

Anyhow, there are a lot of birthdays coming up in the next few days. Stacy (my lead instructor at bootcamp) is having a birthday tomorrow; Helen's is Friday; mine is Saturday; and Nancy's (another bootcamper) is on Sunday. We're all right in a row.


James said...

Cool blog you've got here!


Dogeared said...

Poor Kerrie - hope you're all feeling better soon, and good luck with the exam results!
