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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Today's Motto . . .

"Just because your muscles are complaining doesn't mean you have to listen."

Except! Substitute "shins" for "muscles" and you have me pegged. Needless to say, my shins are still bothering me. Hopefully, with continued ice and some rest they will be fine. Tomorrow, thankfully, is an off day for us, so I don't have to workout until Thursday morning.

Yesterday was one of my favorite workouts. First, we ran 1 mile or so and then headed down to the field for the workout. We did random exercises, some for 30 seconds and some for 1 minute, and each exercise is some sort of skill. For example, we did jump rope, different type of squats and jumps, mogul twists, throwing and squatting, lunging and shooting a fake basketball. The exercises are meant to keep your heart rate up, and also to max out your muscles - legs especially. It's a fun workout because Stacy is very creative, and has some fun, and funny, exercises.

Today, was also a fun workout, but very challenging. The workout came straight from an NFL Combine Training Program. These are used to increase your speed and agility. We had five stations set up, and did different drills at each station. So, lots of sprints, suicides, shuffles, and things of that sort. The stops and starts really bothered my shins. In between the stations, we did an ab exercise.

I was very excited to finally watch "Heroes" last night. I really liked it. It's probably my favorite new show (although I still haven't seen "The Nine", it starts next week, I think). I'm not a huge fan of X-Men, or some of the other comic book type stuff, so a lot of it will be new for me. I loved Hiro! He was easily my favorite character. I'm already looking forward to next week!


Dogeared said...

Ask Can in the FIRM ASS thread about the shin splints. You can tape them (she'll describe how), and also, that exericse I described with the lifting of a heavy tin, hung over your foot? It's meant to help.

Shin splints are when the muscle tears away from the bone. So taping the legs stops them from moving so far, and the exercises help strengthen the muscles.

Dogeared said...

Oh and I forgot - the last two runs I've done, if I've started feeling my legs are tired and I might stop, I start chanting in my head "Don't Stop" and "I am NOT tired"!

Tonight was a good run, really good. And on the uphill where I often feel tired, I kept chanting "NOT tired, NOT tired", and it worked! Partly I was so distracted by constantly mentally chanting it, that I didn't notice my legs aching so much, and also, I think I read that if you notice aching and you focus on it, it makes it feel worse. So I'm thinking that telling yourself you're NOT tired might have an effect too! It worked for me...