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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Itchy, Itchy . . . (a.k.a. Bootcamp: Day 4, Round 2)

Yesterday was a recovery day as far as bootcamp goes. Thank goodness. I woke up so sore from all the repetitions we did on Tuesday. I made myself stretch off and on all day long, which helped. However, I decided to stay up and watch Project Runway, so I ended up getting into bed at about 11:45. Not a good idea when you have to be up at 5:00 a.m.! I'm so tired! Usually it's just physical exhaustion from the workout, but today it's mental too. I'm taking a nap this morning or I won't be able to function this afternoon.

Today was jump rope day. Fun! (insert sarcasm here) In all, we did about a 1/2 mile run, part of it up a really big hill. I hate hills, and this one in particular. One of the leaders, Stephanie, stayed with me, and encouraged and pushed, which I needed. I'd have been walking up that hill had she not stuck with me. Thanks Steph! Once we reached the top, we jump roped three 3-minute rounds, with a 1 minute break in between. During the breaks we shadow-boxed. I'm a pretty coordinated person, but not when it comes to the jump rope! Then we did some ab work. Afterwards, we headed to the practice field and did a couple of snakes, one with flutter kicks and another with the plank. (The snake is where we're all in a line, we start the exercise and one end gets up and starts running between everybody exercising, all the way to the other end. Once every body is done then we stop. So, the slower people run, the longer we do the exercise and vice versa.) The last bootcamp I did we did this workout during the third week, and my knee was killing me! I definitely liked doing earlier, as I had no tightness in my knee.

Anyhow, the itchy portion of this post is due to rolling around in the grass during the ab-work, the snake, and stretch-out. Because it rained all day yesterday the grass was extra moist and muddy. I had grass from the tops of my knees all the way into my shoes! Mud is all over my favorite white workout shirt! But, it was fun!

I think I forgot to mention that last week I officially returned the new cell phone I purchased when I water logged my phone. My old one has been working fine for 3 weeks, so hopefully it will keep doing so!

In local news, Whitney Houston filed for a legal separation from Bobby Brown. They live in Alpharetta (just North of Atlanta) most of the time. The stories around town of their adventures are pretty crazy. Story's here: Whitney's Prerogative: Leaving Bobby Brown.

Maybe more later, just depends on how things go today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After a 1 mile run yesterday (with 30 second break part way), I did 1.25 miles tonight, non stop! Well there was a 10 second break about 0.31 miles in, but not due to tiredness. I'd taken a swig of my drink and managed to pull out one of my earphones (they are in-ear bud ones with aclip over the ear), plus the sleeve from my jacket (knotted around my waist) had someone gotten between my legs and as I ran never worked free. And I'd not knotted the jacket tightly enough.

So I stopped for long enough (10 seconds) to replace my earphone, pull the sleeve from between my legs and reknot the jacket around my waist, then got going again.

And I THINK I might have a solution to my "how to keep running in winter when it gets dark at 4pm" problem... just need to OK it with work!
