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Friday, March 28, 2008

Is This Really Necessary? . . .

I really don't know how to describe this news story other than weird and creepy. I don't even want to hint as to what it's about. Just . . . click here and you'll understand why.

See what I mean? And seriously, who's worse? Is it the dude who was arrested or the guy who filmed the DVDs . . . three times!!!!

Just, ew!


Allison said...

Okay, this is totally weird, yes. I definitely won't say it's not. But I would like to complain about whoever wrote that article too. A.) a metal, round patio table does not equal a "picnic table." Geez. Let down #1 cuz I thought he was really going to be doing the picnic table, which sounds really painful.

2.) Can you "have sex" with an inanimate object? Doesn't this just become the naughty M-word?

But overall, the answer is Ew, No, this is NOT necessary!!! Hahaha.

Kerri said...

True, patio tables and picnic tables are different. A wooden picnic table does sound much more painful! :lol:

I would think it would fall under fetishism more than sex, wouldn't you? Oh, and definitely the M-word. :lol:

tkra said...

This is beyond weird. And frankly, it's beyond beyond weird. Maybe even four beyonds weird. In addition, his manners are severely lacking. I'm sure Emily Post would say that having sex with your table is a very big no-no!