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Monday, March 10, 2008

366 Pictures: #196 Fog


This isn't your typical take on fog. It isn't cloudy or smoky looking at all. This is fog that has frozen on the branches of trees! We had about 4 inches of snow up in the mountains this weekend. Saturday morning was so beautiful! It was snowing, but it was also very foggy. Normally, you can see several ridges along the mountains from our cabin. However, on Saturday you couldn't see any mountains! I think it looks like little pieces of glass.

Date taken: March 8, 2008


Christin said...

Oh, I love this picture! The colors are great! We had a beautiful day with icy trees in my hometown around Christmas. Unfortunately it was still 2007, so I can't use them for my 366. :lol:

Dogeared said...

I love the white on blue - great photo!