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Saturday, March 24, 2007

My Date with Pete Yorn . . .

First, no, it wasn't really a date, it was a special show sponsored by Atlanta's 92.9 DaveFM! There were about 40 people in the audience, so it was nice and intimate. Pete came out and sang 2 songs, did a Q&A with the audience, and then played 4 more songs. His voice sounded terrific, and his acoustic guitar sounded nice, too. He was really cool! During the Q&A he talked about how weird it felt to have written a song that was on the Album of the Year (this would be The DixieChicks album), and also said the female that he was influenced by the most was Chrissy from The Pretenders. That was a nice choice I thought! The Pretenders are very cool!

Afterwards, I stuck around for a bit and was able to speak with Pete for a few minutes and have my CDs signed (pictured above). He was very sweet and seemed a bit shy, but was so nice. It was so much fun.

Earlier this morning I went down to the ING Health Expo to pick up my race packet and wander around the booths. TrainStrong had a booth so I visited with them for a bit. Got lots of protein bar samples, magazines, a running hat, an ING jacket and shorts, posters . . . there was all kinds of stuff!

I've got everything ready to go in the morning except for filling my water bottles. I'm excited! I'm staying around for a bit after the race to hang out with the TrainStrong group. Other than that, I'll do my best to get online and update you all on how the race went!

Wish me luck! 13.1 will be my longest run yet!

1 comment:

Dogeared said...

That's a post full of excitement and good news! All the freebies, and CD signings!

Good luck for tomorrow (well today now!).