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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Grocery Store Etiquette . . .

Today I made a trip to my local grocery store. I, normally, am a very laid back person. It takes quite a lot to rile me up. Today, the grocery did just that. It was insanely crowded for a Saturday afternoon and full of rude, rude people with no manners. Therefore, I have decided to come up with some basic rules of grocery store etiquette. I don't for a second believe my little list will make a difference, but it will make me feel better!

1. Follow the basic rules of traffic. Stay on the right hand side of the aisle. If you have to pass, please do so on the left.

2. Stop and look at intersections and the end of aisles. Don't just pull out into the larger aisles and cut people off. Think of it as a stop sign! Or, if you prefer childhood phrases, "Stop, Look, and Listen!"

3. Don't leave your shopping cart unattended. To me, this one seems obvious. Why would you leave your cart unattended in one aisle and go four aisles over to get something else? It's just common sense!

4. Similarly, don't park your cart horizontally or diagonally across an aisle. Keep your cart near the sides so that others can pass through the aisle. Nobody wants to work to maneuver through the aisle simply because you're inconsiderate!

5. If there is more than one person in your group, try walking single file. There is a reason we were taught to walk single file as children.

6. Say "Excuse Me!" If you cut someone off while shopping, smile and say "excuse me." It's not difficult at all! There's no need to be sour during your shopping trip. Positive attitudes tend to spread. Wouldn't you rather spread a positive attitude than a negative one?

7. Don't barrel through the store as if you're the only shopper there. These shoppers are similar to those drivers who push and push you. They think if they push, staying right behind you, you'll move faster! Everybody in the store wants to make their way through, as quickly as possible. Do you think you're the only shopper who'd rather be somewhere else? Take a deep breath and relax.

8. As you are walking to your car, don't walk in the middle of the parking lot aisle! Walk to the left or right side of the aisle so drivers can make their way through without having to drive behind you.

9. Outside the store, why not put your shopping cart in the holding areas? Putting the carts in these areas prevents them from blocking parking spaces and rolling into other cars. It also makes it much easier for the employees to gather them up and bring them back for other customers. Hey, you could even offer to take the empty cart of someone who is leaving to use while you're shopping. It saves everyone a little bit of time.

10. Give pedestrians in the parking lot the right of way. Is it going to make that much difference in your time to wait five seconds to let a shopper cross the parking lot? No. Is that great parking spot going to disappear if you pause to allow the Mom with her two kids to walk past? No. Again, take a deep breath and relax!

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