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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A funny thing happened . . .

I was visited at work today by a sales rep for an office supply company. We had previously talked and he was coming in to work up an order of supplies. As we were talking about music and other general stuff, I mentioned one of my favorite bands Self. Most people I meet aren't familiar with Self as they were a local band from the Nashville/Murfreesboro area. They had two fairly big songs in the late 1990s, "Cannon" and "So Low", "Cannon" being the most popular. The lead singer now does production work in L.A. and the band recorded "Stay Home" which was on the Shrek soundtrack. Anyway, he immediately recognized the band! Turns out, we went to the same school for our undergraduate degrees, lived very close to one another and actually hung out at some of the same bars/clubs. We started naming friends and we actually knew a few of the same people. We're still trying to figure out how we never actually met or were introduced to one another since we're almost positive we've probably hung out together before. It was kind of a reminder of the small world we live in, I suppose. He seems like a pretty cool guy.

Other than that, I'm still trying to get over a cold I've had for about a month. It just won't go away! I've got a 6 mile long run this Saturday, which will probably be a tad painful because I didn't do my 5 miler last weekend. I have no excuse -- I just refused to go run outside in the weather. Truthfully, I wasn't hydrated enough to run on Saturday and then by the time Sunday rolled around it was really cold and rainy. So, 6 miles on Saturday is my goal!

1 comment:

Dogeared said...

Argh, stupid smegging Blogger!

OK, I've heard "Stay Home", it sometimes features on my running playlist.

Good luck with the run, and I hope you shift the cold!