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Saturday, January 27, 2007

6 miles . . .

I finally got my booty back on track with my training schedule for the ING half-marathon. Today I got in 6 miles at the Silver Comet trail. It was super crowded there today, which is to be expected on a lovely January day in the high 50s. Hopefully, work will calm down a bit and I will be able to get myself into the gym in the mornings before work.

Tomorrow I'm seeing The Queen. It is my goal, as usual, to see each of the movies nominated for Best Picture before the Oscars ceremony. So, I must see Babel and Letters from Iwo Jima before the ceremony. It's been so crazy lately that I still haven't seen Blood Diamond or The Pursuit of Happyness. Hopefully, I can get those in before the ceremony,too.

I'll try to let you know what I think of The Queen.

1 comment:

Dogeared said...

Well done on the 6 miles!

I don't know what the plot of "The Queen" is - her life, or something else, etc. But the tiny bits I've seen (photos, comments made), make me hopeful.

I don't think I'll get to see all the films before the Oscars, half of them probably won't have come out in the UK by that point. Plus, I have a huge stack (about 37?) of unwatched films, and several unwatched TV show DVDs to work through! ;-)