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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dumb & Dumber . . . but not really!

I have finished the last of my review courses, finally. Yesterday was brutal. Not because I did poorly on the questions, just because my brain hurts! My study partners and I decided yesterday that we're all getting dumber. We're forgetting things that we already know! I'm feeling better about the MBE. We took a simulated MBE on Wednesday and my percentage was above the national average. (Talk about a relief!) In Georgia, you have to have a 115 scaled score to have your essays read. My goal is to have at least a 115 raw score (which is what the Georgia examiners actually use to calculate your score). I'm confident that I'll get at least that. I'm at that level now and continued practice until the exam will raise that number. I also have to really focus on the essays. It's been helpful to realize that all my classmates --save our resident genius who's consistently getting a raw score in the 130s -- are at the exact same level, a few are below.

I've also officially turned off my phones with a polite message that I'll have a life again on July 27th, and not to expect a return phone call before that date unless it's an emergency. Hopefully no one's offended, although I doubt anyone will be.

I'm looking forward to catching up on Season 3 of Rescue Me and the new season of Project Runway. I've Tivo'd both and can't wait to watch. I'm sure I'll have a marathon TV session a day or two after the exam. I'm also looking forward to reading all the books I've accumulated over the last few months. I swear, I have roughly two bookshelves full of books I've yet to read! Hopefully, during my two weeks at the beach in August I'll get much of those read.

In interesting legal news, Valerie Plame Wilson and Joseph Wilson filed suit against VP Cheney, Lewis Libby, and Karl Rove for allegedly outing her classified CIA status. I've been slowly reading through the complaint during meals. If you're interested, you can find the complaint here: http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/iraq/wilsonlibby71306cmp.html .

Countdown to exam: 10 days!


Dogeared said...

Good plan on the turning phones off... In a way, I'm glad I didn't have internet at home in my final year, I'd never have got any work done! It was bad enough with the TV or washing or tidying or ANYTHING which wasn't study, but internet? I'd never have graduated!

And I know what you mean on the feeling dumber thing, you start doubting even your msot basic knowledge of a subject!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.