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Monday, November 13, 2006

I'm here . . .

I'm here! I've just been really busy and worn out the last few days.

I was out of town this weekend in Helen, Georgia. The mountains were nice and the weather was perfect!

My left knee had really been bothering me last week after my tumble in the woods. Thankfully, it's feeling better after the weekend. It felt fine during the workout this morning. Speaking of this morning, it was so cold! It was 35 when we started, but the temperature dropped close to freezing. When I left my apartment, there was no frost. However, when I came back a little over an hour later, there was frost on cars all over the apartment complex. It was so cold that I had a horrible time breathing and was fairly light-headed when we finished up and moved into our static stretch.

I have several meetings at work this week, all via video or telephonic conference. So, it's going to be another busy week. I really look forward to relaxing this weekend. Saturday I'm going to a huge party for my law school class. We're celebrating our bar passage and I'm very excited to see everyone!

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