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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ramblings . . .

Having three friends currently in the news business, and one who used to be, I've seen my fair share of funny and creative headlines. This morning, when I logged on to CNN.com, I saw what's become one of my favorite headlines. Evidently, Elton John is interested in expanding his musical horizons to rap music. CNN's headline is this: "Elton John to try 'Candle in the Wiz-ind'?" Hee! I really am not sure why this has made me smile like it has, but it has. My friend, T, agreed with me, and she's in the news business.

We're seeing "Pulse" tonight, there are four of us -- what we like to call our "Scary Movie Group". I have no idea if it's good or not because I haven't read any reviews. I hope it's at least suspenseful. I love a good scary/suspenseful movie. I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed. I'm weird about scary movies. There aren't that many that I've actually found scary. I don't think "The Exorcist" is scary at all, but that could be because I'm not Catholic. Who knows, that's what my Catholic friends tell me. I did find "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" to be scary. Of the recent movies that have come out I enjoyed "Saw", it wasn't so much scary as intense. I still need to see the second one. "Wolf Creek" was alright -- I need to watch it again. "Hostel" was just gross.

I talked to my on-again/off-again crush today. We're just friends, and probably will always be just friends, but I have moments where I crush on him and others when I don't. He's a wonderfully sweet guy, lots of fun, and the boy can dance -- which I love. We always have fun when we hang out. I'm trying to talk him into going dancing next weekend -- I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Tomorrow, I start running. I haven't ran since I was in Florida, which is right at 2 weeks. I didn't even pack running shoes for Barbados. Bootcamp starts back on September 5th, and I want my mile time to be at least the same as my post-test, if not better. This means it should be at least 10:15. They're actually having an 8:30 a.m. bootcamp which is so tempting. However, if I find work within the next month it would completely interfere. 6:00 a.m. it is!

Also on the schedule for tomorrow, cleaning my apartment.

Bootcamp Round 2: 10 days.

1 comment:

Dogeared said...

Good luck with the run! Mine today was not as good as I'd have liked - distance and time wise. I'd scaled back my running this week (I did Mon, Thu and Sat, instead of say Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri), and I know it's all mental, that was why I felt I was out of condition today.

I'll try again tomorrow!

Bet you find your PPM (pace per mile) goes down with the second bootcamp. Mine must have started about 10:30 maybe when I first started tracking it, and now, most times it's about 9:30. With a little effort I can get about 9:00. My record is about 8:37.

So I bet you can totally get your time down! Definitely.

And I can't do morning runs. I've tried, but my body is too lethargic and slow. I need several hours in the day to get my body moving.

Have you seen the film "The Others" with Nicole Kidman? I really liked that film - an intellectual scare.